With Hurricane Ian now a major Category 4 storm with its sights firmly set on a vacation in Central Florida, Orlando International Airport is temporarily ceasing all commercial operations this morning, Wednesday, 28 September 2022 at 10.30 am.

Orlando International Airport which is one of the busiest airports in the country is preparing to hunker down and ride out the approaching storm with the airports flight information boards showing red this morning as the last travellers make their way to their destinations while airline agents prep their ticket counters against the storm.

Thanks to our friends at MCO for sharing the pictures, stay save everyone!
Stay up to date with airport storm plans on the airports website.

For your convenience, we are providing live updates as Hurricane Ian continues its path towards Central Florida, please check out our LIVE UPDATES news page for all the latest information and news.
We will be updating you with all the latest theme park and amusement park updates throughout the storm here in Central Florida.
