Experience the timeless magic of Disney stories told through their narrative panoramas and meet artists Dirk Wunderlich and Joseph Yakovetic.

Legacy Artist Dirk Wunderlich and Artist Joseph Yakovetic will be appearing at Art Of Disney from today, May 25 until May 29 at Art Of Disney in Disney Springs from 11 am until 8 pm.
They will meeting guests and signing art pieces, plus a Thomas Kinkade representative will also be on hand to showcase the special assortment of art available at the event.

Thomas Kinkade captured the timeless magic of classic Disney stories and their captivating characters through the style of “narrative panoramas." Each painting tells the entire story of a Disney film in one image, taking inspiration from art, sketches and other historic documents from the Disney Archives.

About the Artists
Legacy Artist Dirk Wunderlich Dirk’s interest in drawing Disney characters came at an early age. In the early 80’s, Dirk began to design advertising layouts and catalogs for Disney’s non-theatrical film rental division. That opportunity would lead to work on the launch of The Disney Channel. Years later, Dirk met Thomas Kinkade who saw real talent and took him under his wing. Through several years of working under Thom’s direction, perfecting his techniques and styles, Dirk became a Thomas Kinkade Studios Legacy Artist.
Artist Joseph Yakovetic Joe has a long history of rich experience as a contributor to the creative content of The Walt Disney Company—from costume and set design to caricaturing and pumpkin carving. In 2006, Joe began a new career as a featured artist for the Disney Galleries. Due to placing shadows and hidden images in his paintings of Disney films and attractions, he was dubbed “The Painter of Shadows” by Guests. These pieces are highly prized Disney collectibles throughout the world. Joe represents The Walt Disney Company as a sketch artist, performing live sketches of Disney characters for groups all over the world.

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