For a limited time, Thomas Kinkade Studios will be back in Disney Springs for a showcase at Art of Disney, featuring some special artists.
You can meet three Thomas Kinkade artists on select days at Art of Disney, including Legacy Artist Dirk Wunderlich, Jenna McMullins, and Joseph Yakovetic.
They will also be signing art pieces, and a Thomas Kinkade representative will be showcasing an assortment of art.
Thomas Kinkade Studios is known for telling Disney stories through “narrative panoramas,” and they take inspiration from Disney Archives materials such as art, sketches, and historic documents.

Legacy Artist Dirk Wunderlich, artist Jenna McMullins and artist Joseph Yakovetic will be appearing to meet Guests and sign art pieces.
A Thomas Kinkade Representative will also be on hand to showcase the special assortment of art available at the event.
Thomas Kinkade captured the timeless magic of classic Disney stories and their captivating characters through the style of “narrative panoramas."
Each painting tells the entire story of a Disney film in one image, taking inspiration from art, sketches and other historic documents from the Disney Archives.

Event Details:
Meet the artists from Thomas Kinkade Studios at The Art of Disney at Disney Springs from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm daily, and see their artwork displayed from open to close on the following dates, October 6 to 9, and November 10 to 20, 2022.

About the Artists
Artist Jenna McMullins Jenna McMullins began her art career in 2017 after graduating with a degree in Design and Illustration.
She has designed work for small businesses across the US, and just recently began making officially licensed prints for Lucasfilm Ltd.
Her passion for Star Wars and Disney has driven her growth as an artist and continues to inspire her work. Jenna was introduced to Thomas Kinkade’s work in college, and that became her new inspiration, and her dream company to create for.
One of her favorite uses of her artistic abilities is to raise money for charities through the sales of her prints.

Artist Joseph Yakovetic Joe has a long history of rich experience as a contributor to the creative content of The Walt Disney Company—from costume and set design to caricaturing and pumpkin carving.
In 2006, Joe began a new career as a featured artist for the Disney Galleries.
Due to placing shadows and hidden images in his paintings of Disney films and attractions, he was dubbed “The Painter of Shadows,” by Guests.
These pieces are highly prized Disney collectibles throughout the world.
Joe represents The Walt Disney Company as a sketch artist, performing live sketches of Disney characters for groups all over the world.
