Back for its fourth year, the enchanting and not to be missed holiday event, Dazzling Nights returns to Harry P. Leu Gardens in Downtown Orlando.
Experience the wonder of the holidays. Dazzling Nights Orlando features guest-favorite displays, an upgraded shuttle for off-site parking guests, a return to a linear experience, food, drinks and live entertainment! Don’t miss it read on for all the details on this not-to-be missed holiday events.
Orlando’s beautiful 50-acre Harry P. Leu Gardens will once again be transformed into a stunning winter wonderland featuring a million dazzling lights, shining forests, magical displays, with music and beautiful sculptures.
Creative City Project's much loved Dazzling Nights, will be shining bright throughout the holidays from November 24, 2023 - January 6, 2024.
This year, will see the return of some of your favorite light displays and holiday celebrations from years past. Plus, a brand new, large-scale light show.
The event at Leu Gardens is a family-friendly adventure giving guests the opportunity to embark on an unforgettable, three-quarter mile, interactive holiday experience that takes visitors into a stunning, winter wonderland.
Don't forget your phone as there will be hundreds of opportunities to capture the perfect insta shot, and TikTok video!
This year’s highlights…
Some of your returning favorites!!
Beautiful, Moroccan Lanterns hanging from the trees overhead
Fun, interactive lights that light up when you jump on them
A beautiful, bright, 70’ long light tunnel
A play area of giant, 8’ tall, rollable ornaments
A walk of thousands of laser lights
And snow all night long
Plus brand new experiences :
A stunning nighttime show with 100, 10’ tall beacons of light
A dazzling, 30’ tall tree of thousands of shimmering, gold sequins
A fun, Wintery Florida display created by the Leu Gardens Horticulture Team
And more, including sweet treats and holiday (and adult) beverages.
For more info and to purchase tickets here is the official website.
Tickets must be purchased for a specific time and date, and are not available at the door.
$25 per adult, $22 for children. Children 2 and under enter free.
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