The Orlando Slingshot at ICON Park on I-Drive has reopened more than a year after the ride was closed following the death of Tyre Sampson from the Orlando FreeFall drop tower ride, with both attractions owned by the same owners.

The world's tallest slingshot ride, the Orlando Slingshot which launches riders from a volcano 300 feet into the air, at speeds up to 100mph has now reopened at ICON Park.
The Orlando FreeFall and Orlando Slingshot rides both opened at the same time at ICON Park, owned and operated by the same company, The Slingshot Group, who lease the space from ICON Park.
Following Tyre Sampson's death, where he fell from the Orlando FreeFall drop tower ride, both attraction were closed.
The company was fined by the Florida Department of Agriculture who in a settlement agreed not to operate the Orlando FreeFall drop tower ride in Florida and would not reapply for a permit to do so in the future. The company also agreed to pay the agency a $250,000 fine.
The Orlando FreeFall has since been dismantled, however, the Orlando Slingshot, has now reopened.
The Slingshot Group CEO Ritchie Armstrong commented "We reopened the Slingshot ride on the south side of International Drive. We did this in close consultation with the Florida Department of Agriculture and all appropriate regulatory authorities. We also worked with a third party national safety company to guide our reopening procedures and help train the workers who will be operating the ride." He continued, "It is important to know that this ride is a totally different ride from the FreeFall, which has been disassembled and removed from this property entirely."

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