The kids can meet various kid-friendly animated characters during the Summer Character Series at Daytona Lagoon in Daytona Beach on select Sundays throughout the summer.
Daytona Lagoon Water Park and Fun Park in Daytona Beach has announced a new event for summer 2023 which featuring meet-and-greets with fun characters, a one hour lunch buffet featuring pizza, salad, breadsticks, and soda, and waterpark admission for the day.
Are you looking for an exciting way to spend your summer Sundays? Look no further than Daytona Lagoon, where you can meet your favorite characters in person.
The Summer Character Series kicks off on Sunday, June 4, with the charming Red and Chuck from the popular Angry Birds franchise. Get a chance to see them come to life right before your eyes!
These lovable characters will be waiting to greet you, ready to share laughs, high-fives, and plenty of photo-worthy moments.
Sign up for the Exclusive Meet & Greet to see your favorite characters at Daytona Lagoon, enjoy a lunch buffet AND get admission to the waterpark for the entire day!
Upcoming Summer Character Series Events:
Sunday, June 4th: Angry Birds Sunday, June 25th: Princess Ariel and Princess Tiana Sunday, July 16th: Superheroes Spider-Man and Batman Sunday, August 6th: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Tickets for the Summer Character Series are $59.99 for adults and $49.99 for kids under 48”.
Season Passholders pay $28.99 for kids under 48” and $34.99 for adults, and can use their pass for admission.
Tickets include Waterpark Admission, 1-Hour Lunch Buffet featuring pizza, salad, breadsticks and soda, plus Photo Opportunities with the Characters
Space is limited, so visit to book or for more information.
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